Monday, May 23, 2011

Old Mans Cave Hike

Yesterday we drove for an hour and a half to a hiking place called Old Mans Cave.. It was so so pretty.. The drive into the park was gorgeous it was so green and so many trees everywhere.. It reminded me of being in the mountains and camping. The hike we went on wasn't very long or hard it was just way pretty.. There was tons of waterfalls and different kind of rock formations. It was way fun.. We went with  a big group of the people that are here with us for the summer.. Here are some pictures of our little adventure!
Me and Landon with the pretty scenery behind us!

This was a cool looking bridge

Landon, me, and Nick Porter. He is one of the single guys out here.. He is from Morgan, he graduated from High School early to come out here. When the summer is over he will go home and turn in his papers for his mission.

Jared, Jessica, Me, Landon, and little Parker in the front. This was called the Lower Falls. People came and just swam in this and stood under the waterfall behind us.

This is the waterfall people would stand under

This is Kennedy she is my little buddy.. We were going down to try to skip rocks in the water.

This was the Upper Falls of the hike.. This little waterfall with the bridge above it was beautiful!
All together we had a great time and will probably go back later in the year and do some of the other hikes!


  1. Oh my gosh that is so pretty there! I am super jealous, those waterfalls are gorgeous. I'm glad you're having a super fun time :)

  2. Absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad you guys can get some sightseeing in while you are there.
